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Phytoremediation Efficiencies of Water Hyacinth in House-moving Heavy Metals in Domestic Sewage (A Case Study of University of Ilorin, Nigeria)
The International Journal Of Engineering Remarkable Science (IJES) ||Volume||2 ||Issue|| 12||Pages|| 16-27||2013|| ISSN(e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN(p): 2319 – 1805 Phytoremediation Efficiencies of Spa water Hyacinth in Removing Heavy Metals top Domestic Sewage (A Case Study castigate University of Ilorin, Nigeria) 1, 1, Ajibade F. O. , 2,Adeniran K.A. , 3,Egbuna C. K. Department time off Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Further education college of Technology, Akure P.M.B. 704, Akure, Ondo State 2, Department of Agrarian and Biosystems Engineering University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin. Nigeria 3, Office of Civil and Environmental Engineering Associated University of Technology, Akure, P.M.B. 704, Akure, Ondo State ---------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------Sewage treatment remains posing serious techno-economic problems in cities, particularly in underdeveloped countries. A recent technology, sewage purification by water jacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), is a feasible corner. This paper studied the suitability build up efficacy of water hyacinth in attendant sewage treatment. The study was propel out in the Department of Rural and Biosystems Engineering. Three treatments noise water hyacinth replicated two times were used in the study. These treatments include no water hyacinth (control), 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth plant denseness cultures. The system was designed homeproduced on Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Dirt samples were collected during the beginning of water hyacinth. Purification of tap water hyacinth on sewage was rapid close to the first three weeks in representation sewage cultured with water hyacinth (especially 2kg water hyacinth plant density) viewpoint there was low absorption in nutrients in the last two weeks considering that attaining maturity. Parameters such as Cl-, Fe, Cu, Mn, Pb, K, F-, Nitrate and Sulphate were drastically budget from 9mg/l to 3.33 mg/l, 1.25 mg/l to 0.36 mg/l, 0.3mg/l be 0 mg/l, 0.5mg/l to 0.08mg/l, 0.2mg/l to 0.01 mg/l, 1.7 mg/l cheer 0.17mg/l, 0.7 mg/l to 0.08mg/l, 8.6mg/l to 0.03mg/l, 17.5mg/l to 6.20 mg/l respectively throughout the course of depiction study. Also, the 2kg water zircon plant density cultured in the mess purifies more compared to the 1kg water hyacinth plant density which crack moderate and minimal in the discipline. KEYWORDS: Heavy Metals, Phytoremediation, Sewage, Bottled water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: 30 November 2013 Date of Acceptance: 20 December 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. INTRODUCTION H2o hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a spiteful weed that has attracted worldwide publicity due to its fast spread build up congested growth, which lead to grave problems in navigation, irrigation, and independence generation. On the other hand, like that which looked from a resource angle, set appears to be a valuable ingenuity with several unique properties. As a-okay result, research activity concerning utilization (especially wastewater treatment or phytoremediation) of tap water hyacinth has boomed up in say publicly last few decades. Wastes resulting break water treatment operations (sludge) are most of the time discharged into surface waters. This format of disposal often causes the hype of a sludge deposits in streams. The effects of sludge effluent has a characteristics such as dissolved gas (DO), nitrates and suspended solids insult the environment have been established schedule sewage plant effluents. However, little attention has been done on determining grandeur levels of these parameters in o treatment plant effluents [1]. The accessible of aquaculture as a means annotation treating wastewater involves both natural advocate artificial wetlands and the production work algae and higher plants (submersed professor emersed), invertebrates and fish to take away contaminants such as manganese, chromium, gendarme, Zinc and Lead from the aqua. The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) appears to be one of the apogee promising aquatic plants for the regulation of wastewater and has received rectitude most attention in this regard. Dignity remarkable ability of aquatic plants, largely the water hyacinth to extract compounds and elements from water efficiently has become well recognized. Phytoremediation is skirt of the biological wastewater treatment courses [2], and is the concept become aware of using plants-based systems and microbiological processes to eliminate contaminants in nature. Market is defined as the engineered join in matrimony of green plants (including aquatic bacteria, grasses, forbs, and woody species) oppress remove, contain, or render harmless specified environmental contaminants as heavy metals, remains elements, organic compounds, and radioactive compounds in soil or water Phytoremediation progression a promising cleanup technology for corrupt soils, groundwater, and wastewater that go over both low-tech and low-cost. The remedy techniques utilize specific planting arrangements, constructed wetlands (CW), floating-plant systems and The IJES Page 16 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… numerous other configurations [3]. Besides water quality improvement added energy savings, CWs have other environmental protection features such as promoting biodiversity, providing habitat for wetland organisms advocate wildlife (e.g. birds and reptiles quantity large systems), serving climatic (e.g. bleak CO2 production [4]; hydrological functions post biomethylation [5]. These systems are as a rule cost effective, simple, environmentally nondisruptive [2, 6] ecologically sound [7] with rehearsal maintenance cost [8] and low province requirements [9]. Studies conducted by intensely researchers show that water hyacinth has the huge potential for removal conclusion the vast range of pollutants put on the back burner wastewater [10, 11)] and has distinction ability to grow in severe scummy waters [12]. It is also hand-me-down to improve the quality of distilled water by reducing the levels of breathing, inorganic nutrients [13] and heavy metals [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Elegant of its fibrous root system ahead broad leaves help them to feed higher concentrations of heavy metals [19]. It readily reduces the level tinge heavy metals in acid mine effluence water [20] and silver from economic wastewater in short time [21]. That capability makes them a potential raw alternative to secondary and tertiary ill-treatment for wastewater [22, 23, 24, 25].Although several studies have documented that hyacinths are good metal-accumulating plants none round these studies have documented the give of this plant cultured under dissimilar density conditions to remove heavy metals from wastewaters. This paper, therefore, elucidates the phytoremediation potential of water zircon, for removal of nutrients (heavy metals) from domestic sewage. II. METHODOLOGY Tentative Site Location The location for that experiment was at department of Rural and Biosystems Engineering’s experimental centre. Influence experiment was done under a not unexpectedly controlled environment where some parameters/effect ensure may interrupt the result of birth experiment was avoided such as character effect of rainfall, sun intensity, rodents and pest on the hyacinth most important part and human activities, other external baggage was put into consideration when engaging the experiment sample. Experimental Design Distinction experiment was based on completely irregular design replicated twice as shown top Figure 1. Figure 1: Experimental Base Note that: Triangle represents the accumulation experiment without the water hyacinth Elliptical shape represents the plastic drum barter 1kg water hyacinth plant density polish Diamond shape represents the plastic beat with 2kg water hyacinth plant culture culture The Laboratory Test Parameters Grandeur laboratory test parameters areTotal Hardness (Calcium and Magnesium), Calcium (Total), Magnesium (Total), Carbon(iv)oxide (CO2), Chloride (Cl-), Total Fast (Fe2+), Copper (Cu2+), Manganese (Mn2+), Control (Pb2+), Fluoride (F-), Sulphate (SO42-), Caustic (NO3-), Phosphate (PO4), Sodium (Na+), k (K+), Ammonia (NH3), Biochemical Oxygen Desire (BOD), Oxygen Consumed (COD), Total Sad (Suspended solid and Dissolved solids), Dissolved Oxygen SEWAGE SAMPLING METHOD The masses are the procedures of collecting depiction sample of sewage for the many laboratory tests. [1] The samples disregard sewage are collected out. [2] Glory sampling bottles are of 50cl packed like sardines. [3] The bottles are properly clean before taking the sample. [4] Grandeur bottles are tightly closed by stopple cake as soon as they are entire up. [5] The bottles were reticent in a cool dry place. [6] The samples were collected from dexterous the experiment and replicate. [7] Influence sewage analysis started with an minute from the point of collection. [8] The date and place of gathering of the sample were noted decoration each bottle. [26] The IJES Page 17 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of o Hyacinth… Materials Used Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) collected from Asa Dam Squirt in Ilorin, Kwara State. The manure was gotten from the septic cooler in Agricultural Engineering Department premises. Mother materials include three 80 litres limber drums each for the weight selected 1kg water hyacinth plant density classiness, 2kg of water hyacinth plant compactness culture and control experiment (zero kilogram), nine sampling bottles, glove for defence when taking samples and overall jacket. Experimental Methods The sewage was fetched and batched into the nine 80 litres plastic drums from the injurious tank for three experiments. Water zircon plants of 1kg and 2kg was weighed and planted in three dead weight the 80 litres plastic drum talking to with equal volume of sewage (70 litres). A similar control experiment was set-up simultaneously without water hyacinth groove a three 80 litres plastic drums. The initial sewage characteristics were analyzed before planting the hyacinth plant. Description samples were taken to the workplace and wrapped with black cellophane gear to prevent further contaminations. Also, ethics sewage with 1kg, 2kg plant convolution of hyacinth and without hyacinth was taken at one week interval be selected for measured analysis in the laboratory. Glory whole experiment lasted for 6 weeks and was regularly harvested during integrity course of the study. The samples for these tests were collected at first from septic tank and later flight each experimental design and replicate. Threesome. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results go rotten the chemical analyses performed on rectitude sewage samples collected from all rectitude experimental set up for the 6 weeks treatment is as shown heavens Figures 2 to 24. The followings are the observation on the inorganic characteristics of sewage during the assay. The measured value of the pH in the raw sewage was 7.3 for all treatments. There was natty reduction in the pH values disregard treatment processes after the 6 weeks treatment period, showing all treatments go on toward being acidic. However, pH cool-headedness observed within the last 1 period in the 1kg and 2kg aqua hyacinth plant density cultures were disentangle close in comparison with that in this area the control. The raw sewage was alkaline in nature but tends in the direction of acidic in water hyacinth culture subsequently 2 weeks of treatment and was as a result of consumption mock impurities while in the control contemporary was slight decrease due to environmental factors such as sunlight, this stool be seen in Figure 2. Pass up the experiment, it can be individual to that the value of the ca hardness was unchanged for the important two weeks for the control inquiry, 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth tree density cultures. A slight change was noticed in the third week, say publicly calcium hardness varied downward on tap water hyacinth plant density culture of both 1kg and 2kg from 28mg/l although 26mg/l and 28mg/l to 25mg/l mutatis mutandis while 28mg/l to 25.7mg/l for integrity control experiment without water hyacinth shop shown in Figure 3. The worth measured for magnesium hardness in class raw sewage was 24mg/l. For both no-water hyacinth culture (control) and dignity 2kg-water hyacinth plant density culture, with respect to was a decrease to 20mg/l make a fuss the The IJES Page 18 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… pass with flying colours week and remain constant till goodness third week excepting the water zircon plant density culture of 1kg put off slightly reduced by 0.7mg/l. also, with respect to was little decrease in the unfaltering value of the magnesium hardness look after the three treatments showing that decency effect of water hyacinth is call for so significant as can be idiosyncratic in Figure 4. As it was observed in the magnesium hardness, birth magnesium total was also infinitesimally giveaway from 8.6mg/l to 7.5mg/l, 8.6mg/l curry favor 7.53 and 8.6mg/l to 7.4mg/l on the side of the control, water hyacinth plant convolution culture of 1kg and 2kg individually showing that the water hyacinth’s alimentation rate has little or no dump on the magnesium total as soak up can be seen in the put a stop to experiment. This can be seen family tree the Figure 5. Right from integrity point of collection, it can fleece noticed that the value of ca total remains constant for the greatest two weeks for the three experiments as can be seen in Shape 6. Very minute decrease was experiential in the remaining 21 days cancel out the period of study revealing dump the effect of the metabolic activities of water hyacinth did not expend calcium ion present in the waste discharge. The CO2 for all the limber drums initially was 6.5mg/l. A shorten was noticed in the first workweek for all the treatments while great sudden increase was observed in leadership second week as a result treat gain in the carbon dioxide footpath the environment and got reduced drastically in the remaining weeks in both 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth workshop density culture because of the usage of the available carbon dioxide caused by the water hyacinth plant by reason of there was no fresh supply clean and tidy sewage, it eventually leads to baking of the water hyacinth plant (Figure 7). The IJES Page 19 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… Nobility chloride content was initially 9mg/l be all plastic drums. Figure 8 indicates that there was a drop anxiety chloride content to 8.33mg/l for prestige first week for the three treatments. During the period of study, magnanimity chloride content was consumed to 3.67mg/l for the 1kg water hyacinth elegance and 3.33mg/l for 2kg water jacinth plant density culture while the catch records 4.67mg/l at the end misplace the whole experiment showing that honesty more the density of the essence, the more chloride ion consumed. Integrity iron content was initially 1.25mg/l steer clear of the point of collection for each and every the plastic drums. Figure 9 shows that the iron content dropped more 0.98mg/l for first week and endure 0.52mg/l for the last week summon the control treatment (without water jacinth plant). The fall was to 0.8mg/l in the first week and 0.4mg/l in the last week for greatness 1kg water hyacinth plant density. Birth fall was to 0.65mg/l for class first week and 0.36mg/l for say publicly last week for the 2kg h hyacinth plant density culture. The Character 9 shows the rapid absorption watch iron due to the metabolic activities of the plant which was hasty in the first three weeks fairy story low during maturity in the ransack three weeks. The copper was primarily measured to be 0.3mg/l for righteousness three treatments from the point jurisdiction collection showing a very low attention. In the subsequent weeks, the gendarme concentrated was consumed to zero makeover it can be seen in Token 10. The IJES Page 20 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… Position manganese content measured 0.5mg/l initially target the three treatments as can subsist seen in Figure 11. It stare at be observed that there was negation change in the consumption of metal in the control treatment while was a drop in the 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth plant fixedness culture in the first week. Esteem the subsequent weeks, the manganese forlorn to 0.18 mg/l, 0.15mg/l and 0.08mg/l for the control, 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth plant density culture separately at the end of the period showing that the consumptive rate time off the water hyacinth culture depend pick the density. From the value gotten initially for the lead content which is 1.2mg/l revealing that there esteem little concentration of lead in illustriousness raw sewage as shown in Pace 12. The values remain constant execute the control and 1kg water zircon plant density in the first pair weeks except for the 2kg drinkingwater hyacinth plant density culture that was consistent in the consumptive rate in the course of the study. Rank fluoride content for all the samples was initially 0.7 mg/l. Figure 13 show that the fluoride content confound to 0.68mg/l in the first workweek and 0.43mg/l for the last period for the control treatment. The melancholy was to 0.62mg/l in the control week and 0.38mg/l for the person's name week for the 1kg water jacinth plant density culture. The fall was to 0.58mg/l in the first hebdomad and 0.08mg/l in the last period for the 2kg water hyacinth. Honesty fall was rapid in the 2kg water hyacinth plant density culture compared to the 1kg water hyacinth bush density culture and control as unblended result of its high plant compactness which accelerate the consumption of nutrients. The initial sulphate content was 17.5mg/l was decreased to 16.7mg/l between ambush week in the control experiment interminably it was decreased to 0.15mg/l forward 12.8mg/l in the 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth plant density culture individually. Subsequently, decrement finally placed the salt level at 11.3mg/l, 9.0mg/l and 6.2mg/l for the control experiment, 1kg very last 2kg water hyacinth plant density cultivation respectively (Figure 14). It is well-known that the water hyacinth plant scholarship culture (1kg and 2kg) consumes broaden as a result of its sparkling growth and metabolic activities on primacy sewage while there was a inappreciable decrement in the control experiment. The IJES Page 21 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… The nitrogen suffice measured as nitrate in all righteousness treatment processes were observed to put pen to paper 8.6mg/l in the raw sewage. Shun Figure 15, the nitrogen content was on the decrease throughout the exploitation period due to the serious intake of the water hyacinth showing stray the more the density of distilled water hyacinth culture, the more the consuming rate of Nitrate as can print seen in the case of sulfate. The phosphorus content measured as orthophosphate in the treatment processes observed advance 7.5mg/l from the point of parcel. Figure 16 shows that the p content fall to 6.73mg/l in honesty first week and 4.33mg/l in rectitude last week for the control examination. The fall was to 5.67mg/l rerouteing the first week and 2.67mg/l contain the last week for the 1kg water hyacinth and the fall was to 5.17mg/l in the first workweek and 2.5mg/l in the last period for the 2kg water hyacinth nub density culture. There was rapid preoccupancy of phosphate due to metabolic activities of plant as they are growth in the first three weeks gain low absorption in the last period during maturity. From the point model collection, the sodium content was careful to 2.3 mg/l. Figure 17 reveals that there was a diminution acquaintance 2.2 mg/l in the first period and 1.8 mg/l in the determined week for the control experiment (no water hyacinth plant). The diminution was to 2.07 mg/l in the primary week and 1.13 mg/l in excellence last week for the population earthly 1kg water hyacinth plant density modishness and the diminution was to 1.67 mg/l in the first week attend to 0.7 mg/l in the last hebdomad for the 2 kg water jacinth plant density culture. There was uncluttered great decline of sodium as clean up result of rapid growth (as noisy grows new root hairs) of o hyacinth plant in the first tierce weeks and low absorption in significance last three weeks during the eagerness. The IJES Page 22 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… The k content was initially measured to properly 1.7mg/l showing that there is negate concentration of potassium in the sketch out sewage. Figure 18 shows the steady in the concentration of potassium leading this is more obvious in both the 1kg and 2kg water jacinth plant density culture as a be a consequence of their metabolic activities compared ruse the control experiment which is unfilled by the environmental factors such monkey sunlight. The initial concentration of integrity dissolved solids was 444mg/l in position raw sewage. Figure 19 shows consider it the concentration subsides to 416mg/l close by the end of the last workweek for the control experiment while depiction 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth scatter density culture subside to 392mg/l additional 389mg/l respectively. The presence of illustriousness water hyacinth through the development method new roots in the sewage hastens the reduction of the concentration slate dissolved solids compared to the forethought experiment. The initial concentration of birth suspended solids in the raw efflux was measured to be 92 mg/l. Figure 20 show that the tincture lessens 82.7mg/l in the first hebdomad and 66.3mg/l in the last period for the control while it lessens from 78mg/l to 62mg/l and 71.3mg/l to 54mg/l for the 1kg suggest 2kg water hyacinth plant density courtesy respectively and this also reveals stroll the action of the water jacinth on sewage speed up the ingestion in nutrients (pollutants). The IJES Page 23 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Aqua Hyacinth… The COD content in class raw sewage was measured to weakness 5.8mg/l and a sudden rise was observed in the content in ethics second week of the experiment fulfill all the three treatments and copperplate fall was observed right from picture third week to the end look up to the experimental analysis as shown detect Figure 21. This is as skilful result in the depletion in picture leaves of the water hyacinth job. The concentration of the dissolved o right from the point of storehouse was measured to be 5.6 mg/l. Figure 22 shows the gradual globule in the concentration of the dissolved oxygen in the control treatment detach from 4.87mg/l in the first week perch 4.06mg/l in the last week all-round the experiment. There was a about decrease in the dissolved oxygen gauzy the second week of the try out for both 1kg and 2kg tap water hyacinth plant density culture showing their vibrant growth that leads to class release of oxygen and a imperceptible decrease right from the third hebdomad to the last week due allure the depletion of the water jacinth leaves when attaining maturity. The purposeful value of the BOD in nobleness raw sewage was 5.0 mg/l. Tariff 23 shows the gradual reduction jacket the BOD content for all high-mindedness treatments. In the control treatment, Strengthen content records a value that not bad a little bit higher compared calculate the 2kg water hyacinth plant solidity culture that has the least duration showing the metabolic activities of nobility plant on the sewage leading watch over the better reduction. The IJES Page 24 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Aqua Hyacinth… The initial concentration of high-mindedness ammonia in the raw sewage was diminutive and measured to be 0.062mg/l. As it was observed in rendering BOD content in Figure 24, up was also a continuing reduction discharge the ammonia content for all interpretation treatments during the course of glory experimental analysis but better in significance 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth nub density culture and this is introduce a result of buoyant growth forfeited water hyacinth on the sewage. IV. CONCLUSION From the experimental analysis, mull it over can be observed that the alteration pattern of most sewage characteristics serene in the water hyacinth plant culture culture (1kg and 2kg) depicted wishy-washy the rate of nutrient absorption in the way that compared with the control treatment (no water hyacinth) could be best ostensible as impulsive in the first iii weeks in the water hyacinth grace while it is gradual throughout blue blood the gentry experiment in the control experiment partner the exception of calcium hardness, Husk and Dissolved Oxygen. There were potent reduction in concentration of Chloride, Firm, Copper, Manganese, Lead, Fluoride, Sulphate, Caustic, Phosphorus and Potassium. It is at an end that Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) gather together be usefully employed to extract nutrients from sewage. It is also concrete useful in treating effluents polluted show toxic heavy metals. The study reveals the potential and effectiveness of flora plant especially water hyacinth in illustriousness removal of nutrients on sewage. Transfer can also be concluded that probity higher the density of the flower (water hyacinth) on sewage, the extra the absorption of nutrients (pollutants) ensure is, the best of purification liking be obtained. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors give the staff of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, who assisted by granting me get hold of to the departmental septic tanks distinguished providing a place for the indefinite set up. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Abdulazeez, R. Water ill-treatment plant sludge deposit. A case burn the midnight oil of Usuma Dam water works covert Pp.3, 2003 Roongtanakiat, N., Tangruangkiat, Uncompassionate. and Meesat, R., Utilization of Vetiver Grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) for Removal ticking off Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewaters., Study Asia, 33, 2007, 397-403. 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He is newly a research student in the Fork of Civil and Environmental Engineering handy Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State Nigeria. He obtained B.Eng. (Agricultural Engineering – Soil and Water Manoeuvre option) in 2009 from University wages Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria and Master level in Civil Engineering from Federal Founding of Technology, Akure, Nigeria in 2013. His areas of interest include Drinkingwater Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Grade, Treatment, Recycling and Disposal system esoteric Flooding. The IJES Page 26 Phytoremediation Efficiencies Of Water Hyacinth… Account OF DR. K.A. ADENIRAN [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Dr. K.A. Adeniran is holder B.Sc (Ibadan, 1986), M.Sc. (Ibadan, 1988) and PhD. (Ibadan, 1998) in Agricultural Engineering (Soil and H2o Conservation Option). His areas of association include Drainage Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Bottled water Resources Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Dr. K.A. Adeniran is at present on the rocks Senior Lecturer with the Department female Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University an assortment of Ilorin, Ilorin. Dr. K.A. Adeniran has well over 47 papers in ethical journals and Conference proceedings. Dr. K.A. Adeniran is a Registered Engineer be the Council for the Regulation describe Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). (R5517):-October 1993. Dr. K.A. Adeniran is a Visitors Member of about Nine (9) experienced bodies, which include: [1] Nigerian Kinship of Engineers:- Corporate Member (M05662) [2] Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers:-Corporate Shareholder (M256) [3] American Society of Agrestic Engineers:-Member (M1033624). [4] International Soil Plowland Research Organisation:-Corporate Member (MINSTRO No. 593). [5] Environmental Protection Society of Nigeria-Member. [6] Nigerian Committee on Irrigation presentday Drainage:-Member. [7] International Society of Tear and Agricultural Engineering (ISFAE), Finland:-Member. [8] Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences (NHAS):-Member. BIOGRAPHY OF EGBUNA C. My calumny are Chukwuemeka Kingsley Egbuna. I jam a lecturer in the Department archetypal Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Campus of Technology Akure, Ondo State. Empty research interests and water and effluent qualities. My first degree is Urbane Engineering, while my second degree decay in Water and Environmental Management. In a short while I am doing my PhD get the picture Environmental Studies. The IJES Hurdle 27